Mainnet Staking
🥩 How to stake Namada tokens with Owl Genesis? Quick Guide Here
Last updated
🥩 How to stake Namada tokens with Owl Genesis? Quick Guide Here
Last updated
Commission rate
5.0% (will never change!)
Unstaking Period
14 Days
Recommended Wallet
Namada Keychain (Chrome or Firefox only)
Current Phase: [2/5] - Staking APR% Around 10-25%~ - NAM token transfers unlock in Phase 5
Install the Namada Keychain browser extension from Chrome Web Store
Import existing keys, make sure you're in a secure environment to protect your keys from being compromised 🔐
Next, choose a interface to stake your NAM tokens. I recommend Namadillo from Tududes, but also here is a full list
Click "Stake" button and you will be brought to the staking page
You may need to click "Stake" again and search (owl-validator
) to find it from the list of available validators
Complete the transaction in your Namada Keychain and sign the transaction
Finally ! Once you have approved the transaction, you have successfully staked your NAM💛
If you wish to unstake your NAM, this can be done from the Namada Staking page which will provide an overview of your staked balances and which validators you have delegated to
To unstake, simply click on the 'Unstake' button and follow the prompts to approve and finalize the transaction, similar to the steps taken to stake your NAM
Complete the transaction in your Namada Keychain and sign the transaction. When unstaking your NAM, please note that it will take 14 days to complete during which time your staked balance will not be earning staking rewards.
Hit any problems with staking? No worries! Feel free write my DMs on Twitter or reach out to me on Discord (q.w.e.r.t.y). I'm always happy to lend a hand!